Over the past few months I have been sort of on the campaign trail meeting and talking with people about me running for the United States Senate.
Inevitably I start out by asking the question; how many of you believe that New Mexico can lead the Nation and the World into the future? And just as inevitably when I ask for a raise of hands, not a one go up.
Then I ask them; would you change your mind if I could prove it to you? Again, not one hand goes up.
At first I thought that it might be for a number of reasons; I’m either not presenting myself well enough, I’m to fat, to skinny, or even a little on the ugly side.
But after three Republican County Republican Conventions, all consisting of about the same number of people, I have come to a different conclusion. They just don’t care.
Oh, they are GOOD Republicans. They go to the state and national conventions, and they meet every month at the local Republican Party Headquarters, but as far as anything else is concerned, it just doesn’t seem to matter to them. They believe that a Republican should be in office, but for some strange reason they don’t care if it’s the right Republican who can get the job done. Just as long as it’s a Republican.
While Tea partiers believe in the Constitution of the United States , the Bill of Rights, and the freedom of the citizens of the United States , and Republicans believe pretty much the same things, all the local Republicans seem to care even less about what happens to their state or its future. Hoping the Tea partiers will do it all for them.
They know that things aren’t exactly right, and they know that they are experiencing the same problems everyone else in America is experiencing. But it ends there. They hope that the Republican Governor they just elected can solve the problems, but they themselves don’t seem to be willing, able or inclined to get out there and do something about it themselves. All they’re interested in is maintaining the status quo.
When you talk to them about solutions to the problems they just stare at you blankly. When you tell them that while the rest of America is experiencing problems they don’t have to, they laugh. When you explain to them that the answers are right there in front of their nose, they don’t believe you. And when you tell them those answers their immediate response is; never going to happen. And you know what? They’re right!
It’s never going to happen unless the people of New Mexico wake up and realize that after 475 years, there isn’t a problem this State hasn’t already faced and solved. It will never happen unless the citizens of this state realize that no governor is going to be able to solve any of the problems unless the people get off their asses and start finding viable solutions. And its never going to happen unless the people wake up instead of giving up and realize that there is something greater than themselves.
The answers are there, right in front of them, and so are the solutions. I know because I have figured them out! But not one damned person in this state gives a rat’s ass either way. They have given up. Given up on themselves, on New Mexico , on the future, and most especially on America .
And the sad part about it is that I am sitting here watching the spirit that made America and New Mexico great die a quiet and lonely death, because nobody cares enough anymore to give it the breath of life. No body cares enough to get out there and fight for not only America but for our state.
And the saddest thing of all is that time will pass and things will get worse, and no one will know what or how it happened, and all because they couldn’t be bothered to get off their couches and turn off their TV’s and dare to dream a dream that could change everything.
Just remember! It happened once! And the United States of America was the result of the dream.
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